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Project / Business Name
Project / Company Website Name (if any).
Location of Team (e.g. Dublin/Ireland).
Describe your Business / Project.
Which of these best describes your Project / Business?
How would you define the stage of your Project / Business?
Number of years working on Project / Business?
What do you consider to be unique about your Project / Company that would give it a competitive advantage versus the competition?
Why do you consider the time to be right for this Project / Company?
Has the business been incorporated as a Company?
How many Founders are there in the Project / Business?
Linkedin profiles of your Founders.
Have any of the Founders worked together before?
Have any of the Founders run a business in this area or held a senior position in the relevant domain?
Are the Founders full-time or part-time?
Have any of the Founders worked together in a previous project before?
Have any of the Founders sold a company they had previously founded?
Have any of the Founders raised external equity investment before?
Do any of the Founders have direct experience selling your type of solution to your selected target market?
How many employees are there in addition to the Founders?
In what timeframe are you seeking to close a funding round?
< 3 months
< 6 months
< 12 months
> 12 months
Not Applicable
Profit & Loss
What is the estimated sales cycle length on average (i.e. time from first engagement with the Customer to completion of the sale) in months?
Is the business currently profitable?
How many customers are currently paying for your product?
What is the current average Revenue per Customer (in Euros)?
What is the targeted average Revenue per Customer (in Euros)?
What was last year's revenue (in Euros)?
What is your estimated revenue for the coming year (in Euros)?
What percentage of the revenue generated is recurring in nature (e.g. multi-year contracts or rolling contracts with high retention)?
The Market
Estimated Total Addressable Market (i.e. the estimated total global target market for your solution) in Euros?
Estimated size of the global target markets you believe you could address in the next 3 years (in Euros).
If you have already raised external equity funding, please confirm amount of funding received (in Euros).
If you already raised external funding, what was the valuation before you received this investment (in Euros)?
If you are currently seeking to raise external equity funding, please provide target amount of funding (in Euros).
If you are currently seeking to raise additional external equity funding, what is your target valuation for the business before receiving this funding (in Euros)?
Is there an existing Venture Capital investor in the business?
What percentage equity of the business is owned by the Founders?
If the Company has participated in a Government Funding Program, please advise name of Program (e.g. Enterprise Ireland CSF, HPSU).
If the Company has participated in an Accelerator / Incubator Program, please advise name of Program (e.g. NDRC, Ignite etc.).
Describe the key metrics you are using to evaluate business success (e.g. Profitability, Margin, Number of Customers, Monthly Active Users, Customer Acquisition Cost, Lifetime Customer Value) and insert current data (e.g. Number of Customers / 100).
Who do you consider to be your Top 5 Competitors?
If the project is either a Spin-out from or Spin-in to a university or other educational establishment please advise.
Has the Company any registered trademarks or patents or patents pending?
Can you please provide a contact name?
Can you please provide a contact email?
Which of these best describes your target customers?
Small Business
Large Business
Public Sector
Where do you expect your future customers to be based in the next 3 years?
Rest Of Europe
United States
Asia / Australasia
Rest Of World
Not Applicable
Where are your current customers located?
Rest Of Europe
United States
Asia / Australasia
Rest Of World
Not Applicable
Submit Answers
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